3 Reasons You Need a Content Strategy in 2022

The new year is just around the corner which means it's time to plan your 2022 content strategy. Before we fully shift into holiday mode (December), it’s good to get clear on what your goals are for your business for the next year, reflect on how your last year went and create a roadmap to success. If you use November to plan then you can relax and celebrate in December and hit the ground running in January.

What is a content strategy?

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Tami Tate
Why Non-Profits Need Social Media

Non-Profits are often run by small teams and volunteers, with limited access to resources and budgets. Social media is a creative solution that will help non-profits expand their reach and help them work smarter and not harder towards their goals. Besides optimizing your social media presence by ensuring that you add all of the non-profit’s contact information, a donate button and creating a content calendar that includes sharable content, you want to make sure you are maximizing all of social media’s potential.

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Tami Tate
Renting vs. Owning Your Online Presence

If you’ve ever looked at the economics of home ownership, you’ve probably weighed the costs and benefits of renting vs. owning your home. But have you ever considered this same logic when it comes to your online presence? Much like purchasing a home, investing your marketing dollars can be a risk and you want to make sure you are spending them in the right places. Let’s walk through what renting vs. owning your online presence looks like, and how you can tailor your goals for success.

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Brynn Featherstone
How to Brand Your Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories is a place for you to connect with your followers, organically promote your products or services, and bring your brand to life. What is often forgotten about Instagram Stories is it is also a place for you to build brand recognition. When individuals are swiping through the stories of the accounts they follow, your goal should be for them to know they’ve landed on one of your stories before they even see your username.

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Brynn Featherstone
How to Encourage User Generated Content in 2021

2020 forced many businesses to pour more resources than ever into their online presence. With this surge in reliance on social media marketing, many small businesses are left wondering how they can grow in 2021. While this past year was filled with many lessons when it comes to social media marketing, one we are excited to put energy into in 2021 is user generated content!

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Brynn Featherstone
2020: Year in Review

What a year it has been! As 2020 draws to a close, we can’t help but reflect on the journey this year has been. This year has presented many challenges, but taught us invaluable lessons along the way. At the end of 2019, Social Media Camp announced new ownership, Tami Tate. Tami invested in rebranding Social Media Camp and sparked inspiration for what this event and community could be.

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Brynn Featherstone
Why You Need a Social Media Audit Before the New Year

We know the word “audit” can be intimidating, but we promise this may be the one kind of audit you’ll love! Social Media Audits are all about taking inventory of what is going well for you, and which strategies need to be tweaked. Heading into a new year, it’s the perfect time to use lessons from 2020 to set you off on the right track! Here are 5 reasons you need to prioritize a social media audit this month!

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Brynn Featherstone
How to Support Small Business this Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us, and if you’re like us you are already getting excited and preparing for Christmas shopping. While we love giving gifts to friends and loved ones, we are always finding ways to give back to our local community and small businesses during the holidays. We have compiled a list of ways for you to help small businesses while doing this year’s holiday shopping!

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Brynn Featherstone
How to Use Your Following as a Focus Group

Encouraging feedback is so important to growing your business, and social media gives you the ability to find out what your potential customers are looking for in real time. Here are 5 ways to use your following as a focus group to ensure your next launch is exactly what they’re looking for.

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Brynn Featherstone
Solutions for a Lack of Content During The Pandemic

If these uncertain times have impacted your usual content creation systems, we completely understand. Whether you are an event business that can’t hold in person events, or a small business that can no longer afford photoshoots for your products, we have compiled some tips to help you navigate content creation right now.

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Brynn Featherstone
5 Instagram Features to Help Grow Your Small Business

Instagram is a powerful platform that is constantly evolving and introducing new features to grow your business. The power of Instagram really lies in its ability to connect you to your customers and act as a platform to share content that sparks conversation. No matter what industry you are in, there are Instagram features suited to help your small business connect and grow. Here are a collection of our current favourites!

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Brynn Featherstone
8 Tips to Build an Engaged Community on Social Media

When you build a passionate community around your business, you have created a group of individuals with brand loyalty! These are customers who will tell their friends about you, share your content online, and be the first to purchase your newest offerings. To help you get started, here are our 8 building blocks to building an engaged community on social media!

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